Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage, also called MA or Medicare Part C, are sold by private Medicare-approved insurance companies and are required to provide full Original Medicare coverage (Parts A and Part B). In addition, Medicare Advantage plans may also include extra coverage such as vision, dental, hearing, prescription drug coverage, and more.
Keep in mind that in order to enroll in Medicare Advantage, you must first be enrolled in Original Medicare. Once enrolled, you have the option to add on a Medicare Supplement plan or opt for a Medicare Advantage Plan. A Medicare Supplement plan will only supplement your Original Medicare coverage, but a Medicare Advantage Plan can be seen as an alternative to Original Medicare because of the coverage it provides.

The Different Kinds of Medicare Advantage Plans
There are five different types of Medicare Advantage Plans:
• Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans, where you typically need to get your care from providers within the plan’s network (exceptions include emergency care, out-of-area urgent care, and out-of-area dialysis). You will also need to choose a primary care doctor and get a referral to see a specialist.
• Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans, where you pay less when you use in-network doctors, health care providers, and hospitals, but you have the option to receive care outside of your plan’s provider network.
• Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) Plans determine how much it will pay health care providers and hospitals and how much you have to pay to get services.
• Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are limited to people with specific diseases or characteristics and tailor benefits for those groups. There are three types of SNPs. To qualify for a Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP), you must be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. To qualify for a Chronic Condition Special Needs Plan (C-SNP), you must have a qualifying disabling or severe chronic condition. To qualify for an Institutional Special Needs Plan (I-SNP), you must need or have received at least 90 days or more of services provided in a long-term or skilled nursing care facility.
• Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plans consist of a high deductible and savings account to cover your medical costs.
Find The Plan That's
Best For You

Is Medicare Advantage Right For You?
American Insurance Group can help you decide. With so many options for your Medicare coverage, it can feel confusing and overwhelming. We’re here to help you make informed choices about your medical coverage.
Learn more and get started by contacting us today.